
Publications in Economics

"Employer Incentives and Distortions in Health Insurance Design: Implications for Welfare and Costs" American Economic Review, 2022, 112(3): 998-1037

"Price Indices and the Value of Innovation with Heterogeneous Patients" (with Claudio Lucarelli and Sean Nicholson) Journal of Health Economics, 2022, 84

Publications in Health Policy

"Personalized Telephone Outreach Increased Health Insurance Take-Up for Hard-to-Reach Populations, But Challenges Remain." (with Rebecca Myerson, Honglin Li, Andrew Feher, Wesley Yin, and Isaac Menashe). Health Affairs, 2022, 41(1): 129-137

"We All Want It, But We Don't Know What It Is:  Toward a Standard of Affordability for Health Insurance Premiums" (with Peter Muennig, Bhaven Sampat, Lawrence Brown, and Sherry Glied).  Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2011, 36(5): 829-853 

"Simulation Modeling of Health Care Policy" (with Sherry Glied). Annual Review of Public Health,  2010.  31: 7.1 – 7.17

Working Papers

"Regulating Out-of-Network Hospital Payments: Disagreement Payoffs, Negotiated Prices, and Access" (with Elena Prager) 

"Provider Market Power and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance Markets: Evidence from the California Benefits Exchange" (with Wesley Yin, draft by request)

"The Effect of the Favorable Tax Treatment of Health Insurance on Coverage and Utilization" (with Sherry Glied, draft by request)

"Mental Health Mandates and Job Transitions" [draft by request]

Works in Progress

"Vertical Integration, Physician Referral Networks, and Insurer-Physician Negotiated Prices"

"Externalities from Large Health Insurance Purchasers" (with Elena Prager)

"The Welfare Effects of Intermediation in the Employer-Sponsored Insurance Market" (with Anran Li and Anthony LoSasso)